Retro Scan of the Week: Bentley Bear Touched My Bum!

February 12th, 2007 by Benj Edwards
Crystal Castles Advertisement

After seeing what Bentley Bear is capable of, I’m not really sure if I want his “tip.”

[ From Electronic Games Magazine, December 1983 ]

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12 Responses to “Retro Scan of the Week: Bentley Bear Touched My Bum!”

  1. Nick Says:

    White jeans are like child preditors GPS. The poor guy was doomed from the start.

  2. doug Says:

    Did we really wear those clothes??

  3. KitsuneDarkStalker Says:

    Did this run on the Zaxxon hardware?

  4. Keith Gable Says:


    That’s all I have to say. Too many conflicting things in this. Bear touching bum, guy getting attacked by bear touching bum, the clothes. It all screams WTF. In fact, it screams “hey everyone, we’re having a OMGWTFBBQ!” or “hey, want a WTFicicle?”

    Anyway. No other comments. Never played the game. Do we have a year on this? πŸ™‚

  5. Benj Edwards Says:

    The year? 1983. The WTF? Timeless.

  6. KVet Says:

    Wasn’t Michael Keaton busy filming Mr. Mom in 1983?

  7. Lady Park Says:

    Yes, I think I would like a WTFsicle, thank you. What flavors do they come in? Lol

    Dear lord.. nvm. Its all wrong.

  8. kyle Says:


  9. KitsuneDarkStalker Says:

    It looks more like he’s trying to ram that gem up his bum to me.

  10. Mark Says:

    ahhh. 1983. video games were all the rage, tight white jeans the fasion and homosexual beastiality was just begging to come out of the closet! who new that all three would come together in this great advertisement!

    alternate captions…..

    thats not the quarter slot!

    oops, i thought that was the reset button?

    buy me a drink first!!!

  11. brian jankowski Says:

    I was looking for an email address where it says “mail requests to” DOH!

  12. Matt Says:

    That’s a great scan! I love this game and actually own the upright machine in my home office, I have a a few posters for it but not this one. Hard to believe, but in 1983 or so in my town, you had to master this game to be cool. It was in the coolest hangout in town…
    So long story short, I bought the machine in 2003 and finally mastered it πŸ™‚

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