[ Retro Scan of the Week ] ICD Atari ST Hard Drive

January 10th, 2011 by Benj Edwards

ICD FA-ST FAST FA20ST Hard Drive for Atari ST 1040ST Ad - 1988“Refresh Your Memory. And Keep Your Cool.”

I recently ran across this ad for the ICD FA-ST Atari ST hard drive system in a 1988 issue of STart magazine that my wife’s uncle gave me. He was quite an ST fan himself back in the day, and I was the lucky recipient of his ST collection last year.

According to an ICD catalog I have, the 20 megabyte model of this HD system (the FA20ST, seen here) retailed for US $699.95 in 1988 ($1,294.60 in 2010 dollars). The highest end model( FA52ST), which included two 50 megabyte drives, sold for $1649.95 (or $3,051.68 in 2010 dollars).

Those steep prices (common for all hard disks at the time), along with the small market size of Atari 16-bit owners in the US, made drives such as these quite rare. I’ve never seen one in the wild.

[ From STart, Summer 1988, p.9 ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: Do you own hard drive systems for any of your vintage, non-IBM PC compatible computers? Tell us about them.

6 Responses to “[ Retro Scan of the Week ] ICD Atari ST Hard Drive”

  1. SirPaul Says:

    Sadly, I’ve been looking for a hard drive for my Amiga, but I’ve yet to get one… Oh well…

    On the subject of the scan, isn’t it a little shocking to see a 100 megabyte hard drive cluster going for over $3,000 in 2010 dollars, when nowadays you can spend your pocket change and get 20 times that amount?

  2. Xyzzy Says:

    Nope, I sold my old IIgs Seagate hard drive back before vintage systems seemed appealing… I do still have a Macintosh Hard Disk 20 (1985) that somebody gave me several years ago, though.

  3. Andrew Fisher Says:

    Many people weren’t aware of the hard drives available for Commodore’s 8-bit machines, both from Commodore themselves and third-party solutions. Nowadays you can get the IDE64 interface to attach standard IDE devices to the C64.

  4. Bob Says:

    No, but I did have a bolt-on Commodore CD drive for the Amiga 500/50+. Mainly used it for CD access on my A1200 using a Parnet cable. Man, was it slow.

  5. ThorN Says:

    I own a 4GB IDE Memory stick for my Falcon 030 nowadays. In former times I had a Megafile 30 (MB) for the 520ST. Since the mid nineties it was convinient to have SCSI on the Falcon, so since then I use Iomega Zip 100 drives. SCSI zip drives on the Falcon and Paralel ones on the PC. But since I also own some Networkcards (Hydra, etc) I could get the stuff from the net to the IDE Memory.

  6. Lunarius Says:

    Hey There,
    I´d a Atari ST external Harddisk here 😉
    Was with impressive 30 MB of free space. can send you a pic if interested 😉 Also I still had my old ST with 2(!) MB Ram ^^

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