Archive for the 'VC&G Announcements' Category

VC&G’s NES DVD Player eBay Auction Ends

Thursday, July 6th, 2006

NES DVD Player on eBayWell, the auction ended last night, and “bunikmonkey” is the winner. The final price? $282.73 (US). Not bad at all! This will definitely help take care of the kittens. I’d like to thank everyone who bid in the auction, and everyone who helped spread the word.

Before you start thinking “Wow, that’s a great price! I should go into business selling NES DVD players,” remember this: eBay is a strange market that sells to the highest bidder. Usually only a couple people on earth are willing to pay eBay prices for high profile items. I believe much of my NES DVD player’s value is seated in the fact that it’s a one-of-a-kind item. Once you start churning them out, the value per unit goes waay down. And I’m not going to make any more.

Anyway, I hope you don’t mind, but I might post an entry about some more VC&G-related items for sale soon. I won’t litter the blog with eBay crap, of course, but I might just do one more post to announce another round of VC&G fundraising / housecleaning in the future.

Thanks again, everybody, for your help.

This Week’s Game Ads A-Go-Go: “Deeply Disturbing Game-Related Ads”

Thursday, July 6th, 2006

“This week I have collected for you three ads that I personally find disturbing for various different reasons. That doesn’t mean that you’ll find them disturbing, but hopefully you can at least laugh at the nervous paranoia and general mental instability that is manifested in my reaction to certain game magazine ads.”

Check out the latest Game Ads A-Go-Go column here.

VC&G’s NES DVD Player Hack for Sale on eBay

Sunday, June 25th, 2006

NES DVD Player on eBay“Ok, RedWolf. Now you’ve gone and done it. Selling out to the Man!” That’s me. I’ve got a lot of clutter to clear and a lot of hungry kitten mouths to feed / fix, so I’m going to be auctioning a series of vintage computing and gaming related items in the coming weeks. The first item on the block is my very own custom NES DVD Player, which I lovingly crafted by hand and featured in an article on this very site back in early March. The article was very popular and I received a number of offers to purchase the unique player. I figured I’d never sell it, so I turned them down. How silly I was — here it is, for sale. I’m not planning on making any more of these, so this is your only chance to get the real thing. Tell all your friends and help me spread the word. It’s for a good cause, after all…feline population control. Thanks!

This Week’s Game Ads A-Go-Go: “It’s a Jungle Out There”

Thursday, June 22nd, 2006

This week on Game Ads A-Go-Go, I take a look at some ads featuring animals and blather semi-coherent nonsense about them. Sound like fun? Then check it out.

This Week’s Game Ads A-Go-Go: “Out-Of-Context Game Ad Illustration Face Quiz”

Thursday, June 8th, 2006
Face Quiz

This week on Game Ads A-Go-Go, I’ve cooked up a little quiz using out-of-context snippets from classic game ads. Take the quiz, and see how well you do!

This Week’s Game Ads A-Go-Go: Visual Hyperbole

Thursday, May 25th, 2006
Visual Hyperbole

This is just a friendly reminder that this week’s Game Ads A-Go-Go on GameSetWatch is dedicated to visual hyperbole in game ads. Check it out now, funk soul brother.

This Week’s Game Ads A-Go-Go: Bad Game Ad Puns

Thursday, May 11th, 2006
Rune Your Day

This week’s Game Ads A-Go-Go on GameSetWatch is dedicated to bad video game advertisement puns.

Ach! Back to moving.

Update: Moving a Mountain / New Mac Shelf

Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

Corner MacFor those of you who didn’t know or don’t remember, the reason why VC&G has been quiet lately is because I’m in the middle of moving to a new house. After I’m settled, things will be back to normal (I also got married on May 1st. So you can imagine that I’ve been quite busy). Until then, I’ve got a few pictures for you. The first picture (above) is of the first computer I set up in my new house. It’s a Mac Color Classic that I’m currently slowly playing The Secret of Monkey Island on (great game, by the way). I set it up in a little dormer nook in an otherwise empty room upstairs. In lieu of proper furniture, it gets the next best thing: the floor. When the hustle and bustle of all the moving gets to me, I can retreat to my “Mac room” and relax. But not for very long, of course, because there are plenty more computers to move! Chop chop!

New Mac ShelfRemember my “Compact Mac Shelf?” Well, I’ve had to leave that luxury behind. The closest I can get to that in my new place is what you see here. The previous owners left this wall-mounted TV stand in the kitchen, and upon first seeing it, I didn’t think “TV.” I thought…well, you can tell what I thought, because the picture illustrates it quite vividly. Anyway, if the wife lets me, I might rig up some sort of useless-but-fun interactive Mac art installation. Then again, it’s likely that we’ll actually just put a color TV up there (if we ever get one that size). Still, I thought the new “Mac Shelf” was worth a picture.

That’s all for now. I’ll still be chatting some in the VC&G Forums before I get back up to full steam again, so join in the fun (Haven’t joined yet? Why not?). And don’t worry — more interesting and original VC&G articles are definitely on the way.

Moving a Mountain (One Computer at a Time)

Friday, April 28th, 2006

Moving the MountainOn an unusually personal note for VC&G, I thought I’d let you guys know why I’ve been so quiet recently. The answer is completely on-topic and has a lot to do with what is pictured on the right: computers. You see, I’m about to move. Moving is no simple operation for anyone, but it becomes exponentially more complicated when your house is filled with over one thousand cubic feet (wild estimate, maybe more) of bulky computers, their accessories, and video game systems. I’ve not even actually started moving yet, but I’ve spent the last few weeks packing things up and getting things ready for the big haul. Phew. Next Wednesday the actual move begins, and I’m planning on renting a big truck to move as much as I can in as few loads as possible. I’ll probably take some pictures to show you later.

To all our readers, and to all the people who have emailed me something that I haven’t replied to / published yet, I want to say thank you for your exceptional patience. Once I’m up and running in my new office, I’ll be pumping out new VC&G features like never before. That should be in a couple weeks at the most. I’ve got tons of cool stuff in the pipeline (including an account of my recent adventure to a local hamfest that resulted in some excellent finds), so stay tuned! Subscribe to VC&G articles via RSS and you’ll know automatically when we’re back in action.

Wish me luck on moving the mountain. If I get crushed under a PDP-11 in the process, don’t cry for me; at least I will have died moving something I loved. 😛

This Week’s Game Ads A-Go-Go:
“A Brief Guide to Gaming Diseases”

Thursday, April 27th, 2006

This week in Game Ads A-Go-Go on GameSetWatch, I’ve assembled a brief guide to some particularly nasty video game diseases. Bring a copy of Dr. Mario — you’re gonna need it.