Archive for the 'Retro Scan of the Week' Category

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Gwendolyn

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Artworx Gwendolyn Atari 800, Apple II Ad - 1983It’s a trap!

[ From Compute!, September 1983 ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: What’s your favorite static-screen graphical text adventure game?

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Black Tie Optional

Monday, October 10th, 2011

iBook Black Tie Ad - 2000The iBook: a minimalist scan in honor of Steve Jobs.

[ From Self, June 2000, back cover ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: What did you think of the original iMac when you first saw it?

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Creative Labs 3DO Blaster

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Creative Labs 3DO Blaster PC Computer Card Ad - 1994“Introducing 3DO Blaster — the ultimate game platform for your PC.”

Of all the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer devices made in the 1990s, the Creative Labs 3DO Blaster was perhaps the most unique. Retailing for $399.95 in 1994, the full set contained an ISA expansion card for an IBM-PC Compatible computer, a special CD-ROM drive, a game pad, and a couple games.

With the 3DO Blaster, 3DO software didn’t run on the PC’s computing hardware itself (as would be the case with a software emulator). Instead, the Blaster’s expansion board contained a nearly complete set of 3DO console circuitry that merely used its PC host for power, video output, and as an optical media reader with the included CD-ROM drive. To get sound, you had to have a Creative Labs Sound Blaster card already in your PC.

Once installed in your PC, you could use the 3DO blaster to play 3DO games loaded from official 3DO game CDs that displayed on your computer’s monitor. 3DO Blaster supported a windowed graphics mode in Windows 3.1 and full-screen in MS-DOS.

The 3DO Blaster did not fare well in the marketplace due to its high price, impractical nature, and the fact that the 3DO platform never really took off. If you happen to own one of these, treat it kindly, as it is most assuredly a rare gaming artifact from the early 1990s.

[ From GamePro, November 1994, p.173 ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: Have you ever owned a 3DO console? What are your favorite games for the platform?

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Asimov’s Pocket Computer

Monday, September 26th, 2011

Isaac Asimov promotes the TRS-80 Pocket Computer - Magazine Ad - 1982“It’s so small I nearly swallowed it.”

The TRS-80 Pocket Computer was an amazing little gadget. This 1980 calculator-sized computer packed a full QWERTY keyboard and the BASIC programming language built in. The ability to program BASIC on such a tiny pocket machine was incredible in an age when few calculators were programmable at all, and the ones that were required arcane rituals to program.

I used this exact model myself in high school on some math tests to perform some trigonometry equations in a BASIC program I wrote. Even though that was in the mid-late 1990s, the Pocket Computer seemed so futuristic that the teacher had no idea it was possible. Even today, the Pocket Computer remains incredibly useful for certain tasks. That’s an amazing thing to say about a device released in 1980.

[ From Byte, February 1982, back cover ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: What’s the smallest computing device you owned prior to the year 2000?

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Tecmo Leads The Way

Monday, September 19th, 2011

Tecmo NES Games Advertisement - Tecmo Bowl - Tecmo Baseball - Dragon Ninja - Mighty Bomb Jack - Rygar - Solomon's Key - Star Force - 1988Tecmo Games for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

Now that it’s football season, Tecmo Bowl fans out there may appreciate this 1988 group advertisement for Tecmo brand NES games. Tecmo published quite a few high quality titles for Nintendo’s 8-bit console, some of which are seen here. Three of my personal favorite Tecmo titles are Rygar, Mighty Bomb Jack, and Ninja Gaiden II.

I was always impressed with Tecmo’s box art illustrations and logo designs as a kid — they really jumped out at me when browsing NES games at a local rental store. You can see examples of Tecmo’s eye-catching cover designs near the bottom of the ad.

It’s interesting to note the presence of “Dragon Ninja (Tentative Title)” in this ad. From what I can tell, it appears to be an early version of Ninja Gaiden.

[ From Nintendo Fun Club News, April/May 1988, p.21 ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: What are your favorite Tecmo NES games?

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] My Robot Watch

Monday, September 12th, 2011

Benj's Dirty Transforming Takara Kronoform Robot Watch - circa early 1980sIt’s like a Transformer on your wrist.

I don’t remember where this watch came from. Maybe my parents bought it for my brother before me. Maybe I begged for it when I saw it at a local Revco drug store (as I did with many toys back then). What I do know is that I played with it as a three-year-old kid, and I was completely distraught when I lost part of it in my back yard.

You see, this digital watch isn’t just a watch — it’s a transforming humanoid robot. The center piece detaches from the wrist strap and unfolds into a tiny robot man. It was first sold in 1984 by Takara, the company responsible for originating the popular Transformers toy line in Japan. At some point I lost the robot part of my watch, and I figured I would never see it again.

A few years later, my mom stepped in from the back yard and presented a dirty piece of plastic in her soil-stained hands. Joy swelled in my heart as I recognized what she had found while digging in her garden bed: my missing robot watch.

It was dirty, of course, and the clock portion no longer worked due to years of weather exposure, but I was still ecstatic. If you ever lost a favorite toy as a child, you know how painful it is. Rarely does one ever find such a missing toy again. This was the one that came back, the one small victory for lost toys everywhere. That tiny hole in my heart, the one left vacant by my missing robot buddy, had been filled.

Ironically, I probably just put the watch in a box and forgot about it. Decades passed. While looking through some childhood knickknacks recently, I found it again and thought you might enjoy the story. It still feels good to know, as I hold this toy watch in my hands, that not all things we lose are gone forever.

Discussion Topic of the Week: What’s the coolest digital watch you’ve ever owned? Did you ever own a robot or game watch?

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Flight Simulator 9/11

Monday, September 5th, 2011

Creepy September 11th Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.1 Advertisement in ComputerLife - 1995“Safety is a pilot’s first and foremost concern.”

The most defining cultural, political, and national moment of my generation happened ten years ago next Sunday. You know what it is. The pain from that day is still fresh enough in my mind that I barely want to talk about it.

I recently ran across this advertisement for Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.1 in a 1995 issue of ComputerLife magazine. It gave me chills when I first saw it — as almost anything involving airplanes and the World Trade Center does for most Americans. The ad encourages the reader to fly safely when navigating close to the Twin Towers.

The fact that Microsoft designed an ad like this means nothing, of course — I’m not implying any kind of supernatural foresight embedded into a 1995 computer game advertisement. It’s just creepy in retrospect. The World Trade Center’s stature as one of the world’s tallest and most famous landmark buildings inevitably teased human minds to make dramatic juxtapositions like this — sometimes harmlessly, and sometimes — one time — with devastating results.

[ From ComputerLife, October 1995, p.5 ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: Where were you when you first heard about the September 11th, 2001 attacks? Did they change your computer or video game habits in any way?

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Bleeding Apple

Monday, August 29th, 2011

Apple Logo Sticker - circa 1983When printing this sticker, Apple refused to stay within the lines.

Apple included corporate logo stickers like this with just about every computer sold by the company from the Apple II era (late 1970s) up to at least the iMac G4 (2002) — the last time I noticed one. This particular sticker came packaged with a 1983 Apple IIe.

The stickers changed over time, of course. At first, the font switched from Motter Tektura (seen here) to Apple Garamond in the mid-1980s. The last Apple sticker I own, from 2002, simply consists of a solid white Apple logo, no text.

[ From Apple Computer Sticker, circa 1983 ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: Steve Jobs resigned as Apple’s CEO last Wednesday. What do you think will happen to Apple without him?

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Super NES Turns 20

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Super NES - SNES Instruction Manual Cover - 1991“Nintendo Super Levitation Pak (TM) not included.”

Nintendo released the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (“Super NES” or “SNES” for short) 20 years ago this week — way back in 1991.

As a devotee of the NES at the time, I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the Super NES when it came on the market. It’s funny, but I didn’t expect it at all. You’ll have to keep in mind I was only 10 years old and my video game market knowledge was limited to what Nintendo Power told me. When I first saw a preview of the Super Famicom hardware (the Japanese Super NES) in Nintendo Power, I thought “why?” Wasn’t the NES good enough?

I ended up getting a used Super NES in 1992 (in a set with Mario Paint), and I enjoyed it quite a bit. But it never felt the same as my NES (in retrospect, this was probably due to simply growing up), and I soon grew jaded by the general software offerings for the system.

Sure, I kept up with hits like Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario Kart, Super Metroid, and Donkey Kong Country, but it felt like every third-party title in between paled in quality compared to Nintendo’s offerings. That trend continues to this day on Nintendo consoles.

Rose-Colored Glasses

After the advent of widespread Internet use, folks began to rediscover hidden gems of the SNES catalog, such as many classic RPGs games that many American gamers passed over (and Nintendo failed to promote) at the time of their release. As I dug through the old SNES catalog in the emulator era, I too began to appreciate the Super NES more than I had during its heyday.

Quite a few people now hold the Super NES platform as the pinnacle of 2D sprite-based gaming, which many gamers began to sorely miss after the 3D polygonal graphics revolution began. We now clearly see the SNES as a pivot point between two distinct epochs in video games. That reputation will likely continue as the story of Nintendo’s 16-bit home console echoes through history.

Further Reading

For more Super NES-related stuff on VC&G, check out my Why Super Nintendos Lose Their Color: Plastic Discoloration in Classic Machines article from 2007.

If you’ve ever wondered how many Super NES games start with the word “super,” check out Super Game 64 Advance DS: The Nintendo Game Naming Formula Revealed!, also from 2007.

That same year, I wrote about how I put Secret Cartridge Messages in certain Super NES games that I rented. I also wrote about how sad I was when I finally finished Earthbound for the Super NES.

[ From Super NES Instruction Manual, 1991, cover ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: When did you first get a Super NES? What did you think of it at the time?

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Number 300

Monday, August 15th, 2011

Vintage Computing and Gaming - The First Retro Scan of the Week on an Amazon Kindle - 2006Bet you’ve never scanned a website before.

This week’s Retro Scan happens to be the 300th entry of this series that I’ve posted since 2006. We already celebrated the 5th anniversary of RSTOW back in January, so this isn’t quite as exciting of a milestone.

Still, I thought I’d take this opportunity to do something once thought impossible: I scanned the Vintage Computing and Gaming website. More specifically, I scanned an Amazon Kindle showing the very first Retro Scan of the Week post from back in January 2006.

Did I scan something retro? Not really, but I have the feeling that this Kindle, with its monochrome e-paper screen, will seem very quaint in just a few years. The 2006 RSOTW post itself is already over five years old, which feels like an eternity in Internet time.

Will there be 300 more Retro Scans? Only time will tell.

[ From Vintage Computing and Gaming, January 2006 ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: Do you think e-readers will permanently replace paper books? If so, how soon?