Archive for the 'Retro Scan of the Week' Category

Retro Scan of the Week: Think You’re Frustrated with Computers?

Monday, October 30th, 2006
Frustrated Computer User

Just in time for Halloween comes this special ultra-morbid computer software ad from 1983. I’ll have to admit that I’ve felt this way about computers myself more than a few times — especially back in the Windows 98 days. Luckily I didn’t go this far, or else I wouldn’t be here today writing for you.

I’m just glad this isn’t an ad for a computer version of Hangman.

If you use this image on your site, please support “Retro Scan of the Week” by giving us obvious credit for the original scan and entry. Thanks.

Retro Scan of the Week: Some Like it Hex

Monday, October 23rd, 2006
Hex Magazine Program Listing

If you think computer magazines are dry these days, try this. I recently picked up a Compute Gazette from 1988 and there were dozens of pages of hex data listings just like this. Enthralled, I spent hours reading the incredible tale of a robot and his journey to Alpha Epsilon 7.

But seriously, what we have here is part of one of them old-fashioned program listings. They were extremely common in computer magazines back in the day. The magazines published the code (usually BASIC) for select programs they bought the rights to (from typically amateur programmers) and readers typed them into their computers themselves if they were interested. It’s one of those things that inspires computer old timers to pull out their grandpa hats and start lecturin’ youth about how easy they have it these days:

You know what, sonny?! I was typin’ in programs before you were even a twinkle in yer mammy’s eye. Back in my day, we didn’t get software on disks or any of that nonsense. We bought it on paper and had to type it all in ourselves. Twenty million lines of code! After typing fifteen hours nonstop, our fingers would be bleeding so bad that we’d have to use our toes. After that the family would work in shifts around the clock until we finally had a running version of a dumb word processor. Without spell check. It had three-hundred bugs in it and barely ran, but by golly, we liked it!

If you use this image on your site, please support “Retro Scan of the Week” by giving us obvious credit for the original scan and entry. Thanks.

Retro Scan of the Week: Super Breakout’s Rainbow-Smashing Astronaut

Monday, October 16th, 2006
Super Breakout Manual Cover

If you’ve ever wondered what really went on inside the game Super Breakout, then wonder no further. The explanation that Atari contrived is so dramatic and exciting that I’m not even going to make anything up this time. I’ll just read directly from the instruction manual for the Atari 2600 version of the game…

[ Continue reading Retro Scan of the Week: Super Breakout’s Rainbow-Smashing Astronaut » ]

Retro Scan of the Week: Computer Nurse Caption Contest

Monday, October 9th, 2006
VCG 2nd Caption Contest Image

August’s first-ever RSotW Caption Contest was such an entertaining success that I thought I’d do another one. Here’s the deal:

Anyone out there may enter the contest (multiple times is fine by me) by writing a comment on this post. Simply write the best (i.e. funniest) caption you can think of for the image above. The winning caption will be selected by me, and since last time’s surprise prize (the mousepad) broke VC&G‘s yearly budget, the prize this time for winning will be an autographed* used copy of Defender for the Atari 2600, which I will mail to the winner if they live in the US. But of course, it’s not really about winning; it’s about the self-satisfaction you’ll gain by entertaining your peers and the joy of participating in a community event!

So join in the fun. Let’s see what you guys can come up with for this one.

If you use this image on your site, please support “Retro Scan of the Week” by giving us obvious credit for the original scan and entry. Thanks.

* Autographed by RedWolf.

Retro Scan of the Week: The Heavyweight Wrestler’s Computer

Monday, October 2nd, 2006
King Kong Bundy with Computer

Have you ever found yourself wondering, “What kind of computer is good enough for ‘King Kong’ Bundy?”

Well, to be quite frank with you out there…neither have I. But one of the oldest tricks in marketing is to answer questions that have never been asked, and to offer solutions that you never knew you wanted. In 1987, not many professional wrestlers knew what personal computers were, and hence, not many knew that they needed them. But thanks to Bundy’s brave and noble efforts to educate the wrestling sector about the benefits of accessible computing for the masses, all that changed. Why, just yesterday I saw Hulk Hogan using a laptop on TV.

You’ve come a long way, baby.

[From Family & Home Office Computing, November 1987]

If you use this image on your site, please support “Retro Scan of the Week” by giving us obvious credit for the original scan and entry. Thanks.

Retro Scan of the Week: Tons of Nintendo 64 Gear

Monday, September 25th, 2006
Nintendo 64 Gear

As some of you probably already know, the tenth anniversary of the Nintendo 64’s release in the United States is this Friday, September 29th. So in celebration of that event, I’ve dug up and scanned up a cool 12″x17″ fold-out catalog poster for “N Gear” that originally came with the Nintendo 64 console in 1996. If you loved the Authentic Sega Gear, then you’re going to love this. Be warned that the full resolution size for both scans is much larger than usual since the poster is rather big (I wanted you to be able to read the item descriptions).

Nintendo 64 Gear

There’s so much to digest on this poster that I’ll leave the commentary up to you, aside from one thing: denim shirts and caps must have been way more popular in the mid-1990s than I ever realized at the time. Oh, and also that I want the B. Orchid poster. As you know, nothing says “N64” quite like absurdly perky polygonal breasts. And Killer Instinct.

So did anybody out there actually order any of this stuff? What are your favorite / least favorite items on the poster?

If you use these images on your site, please support “Retro Scan of the Week” by giving us obvious credit for the original scan and entry. Thanks! You guys have been truly awesome.

Retro Scan of the Week: “Get Hardcore about Software with Microsoft.”

Monday, September 18th, 2006

Microsoft Gets Hardcore

Quit fiddling around with your nancy-boy software, pansy. It’s time to get Hardcore. With Microsoft.

They want you on their team. They’ll give you a door. They’ll give you Windows. And you’ll get a health club membership, access to workout facilities, and an array of benefits like health, dental, vision, and retirement packages. If that doesn’t sound totally hardcore, then I don’t know what is.


Microsoft Gets HardcoreBut seriously — once you sign up to work at Microsoft, they’re so hardcore that, on your first day on the job, they lock you stark naked in a ten-foot-square, windowless, blank white room with two cans of spray paint. Your next move will determine your position in the company. This Kobayashi Maru-like “no-win scenario” originates from an incident in 1981 when Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen was painting their new office space over the weekend and somehow locked himself inside a closet. Thinking quickly, he fashioned a makeshift air horn out of a spray paint can and some cardboard. Of course, no one ever heard him, and that’s probably why we’ve not seen Paul Allen since.

When they ran the same test on Steve Ballmer a year later, he immediately ate both cans of paint and had to be revived with fifteen minutes of intensive CPR. Although he lived, he has still never fully recovered from the incident. Bill Gates took the challenge last, and by day two, he was so bored that he spray painted a window on the wall and tried to climb through. A couple hundred bruises later, Bill Gates emerged from the room bloody, but victorious. Since he is the only man to have ever won the “no-win scenario,” he became president of Microsoft, and the rest is history.

If you use this image on your site, please support “Retro Scan of the Week” by giving us obvious credit for the original scan and entry. Thanks.

Retro Scan of the Week: Tiger’s R-Zone — the Ultimate Eye Strain Device

Monday, September 11th, 2006

Tiger R-Zone

Tiger R-Zone Pimple HeadWay back in the land before time (1995), when a little ole company you might have heard of called “Nintendo” was tinkering with its worst gaming experiment ever (Virtual Boy), another company called Tiger Electronics (famous for its handheld LCD games, if you’ll recall), possibly tried [citation needed] to capitalize on the hoopla surrounding Nintendo’s red-headed stepchild. Tiger introduced the R-Zone, a LCD-based gaming system that used red-tinted game cartridges and projected them onto a HUD mirror strapped over the player’s pimply forehead (see picture). An extremely uncomfortable-to-hold detached controller held the batteries, and the player plugged the cartridge — each containing its own LCD screen — into the headset. It worked very poorly, as you might imagine; but what more could you expect for $30 (US) MSRP?

(The main scan above is of the paper insert from the blister package that my original R-Zone came in back in 1995.)

[ Continue reading Retro Scan of the Week: Tiger’s R-Zone — the Ultimate Eye Strain Device » ]

Retro Scan of the Week: The Most Complicated Video Game Controller Ever Devised

Monday, September 4th, 2006

Coleco Super Action Controllers

And you thought video game controllers were over-complicated these days; this one requires five (slightly-pudgy child) hands just to use it properly.

Take a look at this bad boy: four trigger buttons on the pistol-like grip (one per finger), twelve buttons in the overlay-friendly numeric keypad matrix on top, a one-dimensional “speed roller” wheel near the back, and an extremely flaccid red-knobbed joystick crowning it all. Combine this with the futuristic look of a gaudy black space gauntlet that literally engulfs your hand, and you’ve got the ColecoVision Super Action Controller. This marvel of controlling technology came in sets of two with a “Super Action Game” included — in my case, “Super Action Baseball.” I’m lucky enough to have a pair essentially “new in box,” so I grabbed these scans off the box itself.

Coleco Super Action ControllersIt’s no secret that the ColecoVision’s original controllers were absolutely horrible. In fact, they could only be surpassed by those of the earlier Intellivision in terms of “least ergonomic controller design ever.” Obviously someone within Coleco noticed this fact and set out to design a super-ergonomic controller with a vengeance. But it seems they went a little overboard in the process: on the box it claims that the Super Action Controller is “the first video game [controller] that [gives] you individual control of 4 or more onscreen players.” Sounds really simple and easy to use, doesn’t it? With this amazing controller, you can control an entire baseball team with only one hand! Coleco was obviously way ahead of its time in this respect, as it seems the rest of the video game industry has still not caught up with their incredible insight into control of on-screen characters. Had Coleco gotten their way, we’d probably be playing five-on-five video basketball against ourselves (using one finger for each player) on a controller with twenty-five buttons. The extra fifteen are for the refs and the cheerleaders, of course.

Retro Scan of the Week: Apple II Caption Contest

Monday, August 28th, 2006
Apple II Caption Contest Image

What have we here? Ah; it’s our first RSoTW Caption Contest!

Anyone out there may enter the contest (multiple times is fine by me) by writing a comment on this post. Simply write the best (i.e. funniest) caption you can think of for the image above. The winning caption will be selected by me, and the prize will be your own self-satisfaction in entertaining your peers (until I can figure out some sort of actual reward for this sort of thing). But hey, it’s not the winning that matters, it’s the joy of participating in a community event, right?

So join in the fun. Let’s see what you guys can come up with.

If you use this image on your site, please support “Retro Scan of the Week” by giving us obvious credit for the original scan and entry. Thanks.