[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Snappy Video Snapshot

April 11th, 2011 by Benj Edwards

Snappy Video Snapshot Ad - 1995If Dvorak loved it (see quote), then there must be something terribly wrong.

The Snappy is one of the greatest gadgets I’ve ever owned. It captured full color still images from a composite video input in a variety of resolutions and interfaced to a PC via a parallel port connection. The greatest part was its price — the MSRP in 1995 started at $199.95, which was staggeringly low for a device of that capability. In effect, the Snappy turned your family camcorder into a digital still camera at a time when digital cameras were rare and extremely expensive.

I used my Snappy to capture my first digital photos and some of the earliest directly digitized screenshots of video games ever made, which I distributed on my BBS. This was at a time before widespread emulation, so it was miraculous to have a JPEG file of, say, The Legend of Zelda’s title screen on your computer.

To see the 1979 equivalent of the Snappy, check out this Retro Scan from last December.

[ From ComputerLife, October 1995, p.210 ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: When did you take your first digital picture?

Jerry Lawson (1940-2011)

April 11th, 2011 by Benj Edwards

Jerry Lawson creator of Fairchild Channel F and Black Video Game PioneerIn Memoriam: Gerald A. Lawson (1940-2011), black video game pioneer.

I am very saddened to announce the passing of a truly important figure in the history of video games. Jerry Lawson died Saturday morning, April 9th, 2011, at the age of 70.

Lawson was notable not only for being a rare African American electronic engineer in Silicon Valley, but also for leading the team that created the world’s first ROM cartridge-based video game console. I speak, of course, of the Fairchild Channel F, which hit the market in August 1976.

Lawson did an interview for this site in 2009, and I am proud to say that the feature brought this amazing man some long overdue recognition. The IGDA honored Lawson’s contributions to the industry during an informal session at this year’s Game Developer’s Conference on March 4th, 2011.

I heard the news of Lawson’s death only this afternoon from David Erhart, a personal friend of Lawson. Erhart tells me that he and Lawson were planning to go to a ham radio swap meet Saturday morning, but he received a call from Jerry’s wife on Friday night telling him that Lawson was in the ICU. The next morning, his wife phoned Erhart again to say that Lawson had died.

The cause of death is unknown to me at the moment, but I do know that Lawson struggled with severe diabetes for years. An obituary for Jerry is in the works, and I will post an update whenever I receive it (or a link to it).

Rest in peace, Jerry. Thank you for all you’ve done for us. History will not forget your name.

[Update (04/14/2011) – David Erhart was told by Lawson’s family that Lawson died of a heart attack. “He was feeling bad Wednesday afternoon/night as was taken to the hospital,” Erhart wrote in an email. “He then died at 6:15am Saturday morning.” This New York Times obituary quotes Lawson’s wife as saying that Lawson died from “complications of diabetes.”]

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[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Pool 1.5 – Atari 8-bit

April 4th, 2011 by Benj Edwards

Rexall Typewriter Paper Pad Cover - circa 1950s - 1960s“Now you too can play Pool 1.5”

I have fond memories of Pool 1.5 for the Atari 8-bit computer line. I remember finding a neglected copy of it in the back of our Atari disk box as a kid and playing it for hours. Despite it’s age, I still enjoy playing Pool 1.5 more than any other billiards simulation.

The “1.5” designation in the name is interesting and somewhat unusual for a game. I assume it’s a version number, but I’ve never heard of, say, “Pool 1.0.” Maybe it’s a title that metaphorically suggests improvement on the real game of Pool, similar to how we say “Revolution 2.0” today. Or maybe not.

If you get a chance, you should try it out. The game holds up surprisingly well.

[ From Compute!, June 1982, p.17 ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: What’s your favorite pool/billiards video or computer game?

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Rexall Typewriter Paper

March 28th, 2011 by Benj Edwards

Rexall Typewriter Paper Pad Cover - circa 1950s - 1960sRexall Fine Quality Typewriter Paper

I found this pad of 8.5″ x 11″ Rexall typewriter paper in a pile of my parents’ old documents. It immediately struck me as interesting because typewriter paper is not something you’d typically find on sale in a drug store these days.

Why? Well, computers, my boy. They obliterated the typewriter market decisively in the early 1990s. People found the ease of word processing on an electronic screen (especially in the post-Macintosh GUI era) much more flexible, powerful, and convenient than the comparatively cumbersome practice of using a typewriter.

Some years ago I recall reading that certain old-school writers still swear by typewriters for clarity of thought and purity of purpose. There’s something to that philosophy, as the modern multi-tasking operating systems we have today are extremely distracting for serious work. Maybe computer single-tasking should come back in vogue.

[ Rexall Fine Quality Typewriter Paper pad (S-789) cover, circa 1960s ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: When’s the last time you used a typewriter? Tell us about the occasion.

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Spawn: The Video Game

March 21st, 2011 by Benj Edwards

Spawn for Super NES SNES Ad - 1995“Unleash the fury of the full force blast!”

Ah yes, Spawn: the game that launched a thousand thugs…directly off the roof of a building.

I’ll pause while you watch the video.

Aside from that slight programming snafu, Spawn is a passable, if graphically rich, platform beat-em-up for the Super NES. Does anybody out there own this game? How do you feel about it?

[ From Wizard, December 1995, back cover ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: What’s your favorite comic book-based video game?

The Eerie World of Abandoned Computers

March 15th, 2011 by Benj Edwards

The Eerie World of Abandoned Computers Slideshow on PCMag.com

Up now on PCMag is a slideshow I created about derelict computers and urban exploration. Here’s an excerpt from the introduction:

In the heart of civilization lie places abandoned. For whatever reason, people retreat from these spaces entirely, leaving behind unintentional time capsules filled with objects and equipment from another era, including computers.

You’ll find a number of abandoned vintage computers included in the piece, so I thought VC&G readers might enjoy it.

I’d like to give special thanks to all the photographers who let me use their amazing photos in the slideshow. It’s a shame the images don’t show up bigger in the layout like those in my older PCMag slideshows (not my choice). Even with smaller images, the emotional impact of seeing decaying and abandoned technology is still there.

Have you ever encountered a totally abandoned computer left somewhere to rot for all time? Tell us about it.

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Datasafe Tape Drive

March 14th, 2011 by Benj Edwards

Aftek DATASAFE Tapedrive Ad - 1985“…standard 1/4″ tape on a self-threading 2.2″ spool.”

[ From Byte Magazine, April 1985, p.35 ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: Have you ever installed a backup tape drive on your PC? Tell us about it.

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Scott Adams’ Adventure International

March 7th, 2011 by Benj Edwards

Scott Adams Adventure International Interactive Fiction Adventure Games Ad - 1981Have you played all 45 games seen here?

Scott Adams adventure games are nigh-but-legendary in the history of computer gaming. Mr. Adams’ company, Adventure International, published dozens of interactive fiction titles (some with graphics) between 1978 and 1985. They were available on just about every computer platform of the 1980s, so it’s likely you’ve encountered at least one of them if you owned a computer at that time.

Early Adventure International games sported a relatively simple input parser (usually two words, a verb and a keyword) compared to Infocom fare, but that didn’t stop Adams’ captivating games from spreading far and wide — both legally and via piracy — across the personal computing universe.

Regarding the two men pictured in the ad above: I’m guessing they’re Scott and Alexis Adams, the two men behind Adventure International. Turns out Alexis is a woman (see comments), so it’s unlikely one of them is her unless she was fond of wearing drag.

…Oh, and I know Jason Scott will say something if I don’t mention Get Lamp, his new documentary on text adventure games. I haven’t seen it yet, but I hear it’s great.

[ From Personal Computing, March 1981, p.5 ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: What’s your favorite interactive fiction (aka “text adventure”) game of all time?

The History of Stereoscopic 3D Gaming

March 4th, 2011 by Benj Edwards

The History of Stereoscopic 3D Gaming on PC World.com

If you’ve ever had half a heap’a wunderin’ about the history of stereoscopic displays in the computer and console gaming realm, mosey on over to PC World to check out my latest slideshow. There you will find 21 lovingly-crafted slides that tell the long and varied story of 3D stereoscopy in video and computer games.

Writing about video game history for a computer-centric publication has its ups and downs. While the publication is top-notch, sometimes I think video game fans miss out on the best of my work. So if you think you know someone who might like this piece, please spread the word.

After this yet-another lengthy visual article, I’m thinking about wrapping it up in regards to epic slideshows. Sure, I’ll still do slideshows, just not ones so very, very long and involved.

After you’re done checking it out, I’d love to hear about your personal history with stereoscopy in video and computer games.

And don’t forget: the Nintendo 3DS comes out in the US on March 27th.

[ Retro Scan of the Week ] Percom Atari Drives

February 28th, 2011 by Benj Edwards

Percom Atari 800 Disk Drives RFD Mini Disk Storage System Ad - 1982“Introducing the Percom Alternative to Atari Disk Storage.”

I have a set of these Percom drives for the Atari 800, and I have to say they work very well. The only drawback? Don’t drop them on your toe, as the sharp metal case edges tend to have a guillotine effect at high speeds…

[ From Personal Computing, June 1982, p.23 ]

Discussion Topic of the Week: Have you ever been physically injured by a computer or video game system? Tell us about it.